Thursday, June 24, 2010

What eye color do woman like the most?

redWhat eye color do woman like the most?
I like dark blue. Green or mixed is always nice. If he's dark then brown looks good. I like all colors, I suppose, just depends on his skin tone and hair color.What eye color do woman like the most?
not eye color really, but i like it if a guy has deep eyes. It makes him look pensieve and that is just so hot (couldnt think of another word besides hot...)

Eye color isn't really a big deal for me...I'm more partial to certain eye shapes...

But I've seen a few guys with hazel, light brown, blue, and gray eyes that were just captivating for one reason or another! It's like they pierce right through you!

Later! :)
I don't really care, but it seems like I tend to hang around guys with green or brown eyes.
all of them!! but esp light blue or topaz...y? getting color contacts?
light brown is really sexy to me i dont know y
not the color..but the depth in your eyes...
Who cares? sorry it seems harsh, but I don't think it matters. Other people will answer this.
how can i describe the color of my loves eyes? the color was blue.. the water that reflected my heart, the depths were clear, all i could see was his soul....

its how you use them.. not what color they are! :-)
I like blue.
my eyes change colors with my mood and the weather most women find that captavating
Deep dark brown eyes

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