Thursday, December 10, 2009

If you could change your eye color would you?

More of a green

I guess a lil bit of a brighter greenIf you could change your eye color would you?
for what . if i want to change parts from my head . it better to change the whole headIf you could change your eye color would you?
I would like mine to look like Kate Bekinsale on Underworld - neon blue vampire eyes.
Never my eyes have evey like hazel times 7....they are awesome....

I love mine.

They're onyx black. So deep when I glare to someone..
i'd change it to dark blue, or as red as blood
Yep. I thought about getting blue contacts to go over my cataracts. What do you think? them brown...........
neon green and blue a mix of colors!
I wouldnt.

I love my eyes. [:
I'd like them to be a brighter green.
no i like my brown eyes, but maybe green i love green eyes :)
nah. I'm happy with them the way they are.
no i love my baby bluess =]

Floaters increasing and black in color, two years following retinal detachment and cataract surgery on eye?

The floaters are frequent and usually black, sometimes larger, sometimes small and sometimes with a blue circle around them. He sees the doctor in a year, should he see her sooner or call and ask if it would be wise to check it out? Floaters increasing and black in color, two years following retinal detachment and cataract surgery on eye?


What is your favorite eye color on a girl?






What is your favorite eye color on a girl?
brown hazel -What is your favorite eye color on a girl?
Brown or Blue

Amber Voight

Cookie Lee Jewelry


Visit my myspace page
im not gay. But i have blue eyes. And I think green eyes are so pretty. I wish i had green.

Green or brown, take it from the guy's perspective.
i have brown eyes but i wish i had violet eyes!
blue eyes
well my favorite color on a guy is green.

i think it looks sexy.
blue :-) that's my eye color

What is your favorite eye color?

blue eyes with dark hair. that is by far my favorite, the person's blue eyes pop with their dark hairWhat is your favorite eye color?
Brown is my favorite. My husband and both kids have big brown, chocholate chip colored eyes and they are beautiful!What is your favorite eye color?
Sometimes it makes me sad because all the hit songs sing about blue eyes... But personally I love my Dark brown chocolately eyes.
well i have ice blue eyes that has a deep oceanblue on the outside and i get tons of compliments and i love them too so blue
A mixture of blue, green, and gray. That's what mine are. They actually switch between those colors.
Liike A Hazle Colour With Dark blue And Misty Green ,, Which is actually my eye colour =] x
These are my favorites:

Ice Blue

Bright Green

Dark Brown

Hazel (with more green than brown in it)

Sadly, my eyes are like a blue/grey eyes arent a big deal, but I would like eyes that are all ';BAM!';
blue, only when its a saturated, deep blue.

or brown.
I like eyes that change colors between light blue (not grayish, though) and grayish green. That's how mine are =)
Blue, blue, blue!!! People say you look good in all colors cause it matches your eyes....
BLUE, BLUe, BLue, Blue, blue All The Way!!

My Eyes Are Blue And Everyone Thinks There Really Pretty.

Hope I Helped [:!
Deep dark brown. I'd like to have this color in contacts for me to change my look.
Green, Green, Green!!!
Hazel, Green, and Green mixed!!!
Brown for guys (it's soooo sexy!!)

Green for girls (like a bright green)
i like blue eyes personally but maybe thats cuz i have blue eyes!!!
green cause it glows. and it stands out the best! if not then dark blue eyes exspeshily with black hair!
hmm...idk. diff eye colors look UHMAZZING on diff ppl : )
blue not the gray blue more of the aqua blue. i wish my eyes looked like that. :(
green its gorgous and i wish i had green eyes!!!
i have blue but i love green! and grey eyes are awsome (:

the color of my eyes!
grey because its not very common

yes green green green is right!
light brown and dark blk
green, or dark blue
i like bright green and blue :]

my eyes are brown tougghhhhh

Favorite eye color on a girl?

i have green eyes and i personally wish i had blue eyes. but whats your opinion?Favorite eye color on a girl?
I think green or gray eyes r really pretty on girls ........I wish I had Green eyes.......Trust me green eyes r way prettier than blue eyes .......I have plain brown eyes and I'm jealous of ur pretty eyes.......or i think they look pretty.........lolFavorite eye color on a girl?
well i have blue eyes and yes everyone comments on them because they are so bright and blue that they kind of look like huskey eyes. and i love my eyes. but you know its not the best to have blue eyes sometimes because its hard to wear black eyeliner because your eyes look weird with them if they are so blue. and in the light your pupil gets really small and your eyes look really scary.

so you are lucky you have green eyes. dont worry about eye color that much and if you really want blue eyes just get color contacts.

dont worry about it your eyes are probably beautiful =)
yeah green eyes are rare (i love green-its the color of my fone ;P)

but i also love my eyes-dark dark dark brown with dark blue..because im mixed with tons of stuff lol

uniqueness always rocks!!-don't u think?

just rock your eyes and people will love you/it regardless
I am a girl, but I love my green-ish hazel eyes. I get compliments on them all the time =D

And personally, I dont like blue eyes on anyone.

Help me out please qid=20081102083931AAyi00L
What a surprise, everyone's saying BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE GREEN BLUE!


How original.

I hate the stupid mold we have for beauty these days.

I actually like brown eyes. Big dark pools of molasses.


i have dark brown eyes and i'm thankful to God to have healthy seeing eyes.
It depends what you look like. I have dark hair n brown skin. I would look weired with blue eyes o.o My eyes are brown but they are big and bright.
I love brown or green eyes. You are very lucky to have green eyes.
Haha how funny! I have blue eyes and I wish I had green eyes.
I like bluish green eyes. I also like rich brown eyes
I love green eyes and light hazel eyes.
well i have light brown eyes with a little green in them so hazel i guess and i love mine
i love light brown,blue and green eyes. I think they're really pretty on girls. That's why I want some contacts
Blue eyes are lovely. But green eyes are very rare and therefore makes you precious!
Blue, green. As long as u are polish :), just kidding. Pretty girls have no limits.
Blue and green. Even though I'm a girl. But they're gorgeous. =]
yeah i have blue eyes and love my just depends on the person.

different people like different eyes.
green is pretty so keep ur eyes green.
blue, i have green too
i like blue eyes :]

greens really pretty too though
i got green eyes love them they make us look different not many people have green eyes :D
  • home theater
  • What is your fav eye color?

    And what eye color do you have?

    Mine are green and i loveee brown!What is your fav eye color?
    My husband has the most beautiful light blue eyes. They are an incredible swimming-pool colour. I really hope our children inherit his eyes and not my plain brown ones.What is your fav eye color?
    green, you hardly ever see green eyes, especially since brown is a dominant color.

    mine are green, with flecks of gold in the center. but they often change colors depending on lighting and my mood.
    i have hazel eyes but they kind of change color.....sometimes they are really green and sometimes they are like blue-grey! lol
    I think women with green eyes are so pretty.

    I used to work with a guy who had one blue eye and one brown eye !!!
    Blue (especially icy blue) and dark brown (almost black).

    I have the latter.
    brown. i really wish i had brown eyes lol i have blue.
    Fave colour is pink my eye colour is brown
    i have blue eyes, i like blue green and brown!lol don't like grey..
    I love purples and turquoise
    Big light brown eyes.
    I love clear light blue eyes and light green(:
    pinkish/ golden

    eyes:brown :}
    Brown/ dark blue

    i have light blue
    green and blue. they;re soooooooooooooo pretty.
    my eyes are greensy-blue

    and i love greeny-blue it's different
    green or blue...i have soft brown

    What is your favorite eye color ?

    just wondering...What is your favorite eye color ?
    I like all eye colors really.......but if I had to choose, then I would say Hazel. I love how they change color! I have Dark Brown eyes, but they are almost black. They are really big, shiny, and you can see your reflection in them. I wouldn't trade my eyes for the world!!!!What is your favorite eye color ?
    Blue or grey , followed by green
    i love people with all shades of blue in dark grey on the outside, blues in the middle and some dark blue on the core..its gorgeous.
    Blue or brown
    I personally like hazel cause with the right eye shawdow your eyes can appear brown, green or even blue.
    I have hazel eyes which I love because they will go either brown or green depending on what I wear which is so cool. =)
    green or hazel with green hues,dark hair brings out the eyes too
    I'm a sucker for blue eyes. ;)
    They're all beautiful. But for my contacts I like my aqua color.
    dark brown cos its on me!!!
    Hazel, more on the green side.
    green or brown
    blue ore green or blue/green

    mine are blue/green
    light blue eyes, amost grey. My best friend has these and everytime he looks at me it feels like he sees my soul.
    Green. Very beautiful!!!!!!!

    i love my green eyes.

    they used to be a dark, dark blue but they changed to green!

    = ]
    I love brown eyed girls!

    blue or green

    What eye contact color looks good on me?

    im getting color contacts soon and i want something thats going to look natural on me

    I have fair skin

    im caucasian

    I have black hair

    my eyes are dark brown

    so what do you think? Im kinda choosing between hazel and light greyish blue because thats what i think looks natural on meWhat eye contact color looks good on me?
    Deffinelty something that would go with your natural color, Hazel or Green would look best, I'm sure dark brown already looks good, But my advise is Hazel or Green. But whatever you think! :) i used to have hazel, people loved them and thought they were my natural color.What eye contact color looks good on me?
    Well first off, you need to go to the eye doctors and try on some colors before you get your hopes up. The only color that even showed up on my dark brown eyes were sapphire blue. So you may not have that many options.
    You can try out colored lenses on FreshLook:

    Just upload a face pic on the ';try on colors'; thingy :D
    Hazel =)
    greenish hazel?
    light greenish blue is pretty.

    What about the eye color probability?

    Ok I have Brown eyes, my fiance has green eyes,my mom has brown eyes, my dad has hazel......His mother has ---get this---one blue eye and one green eye!!!! My fiance's father has green eyes......What do you guys think the color of my baby's eyes will be????What about the eye color probability?
    i have blue eyes and so does two of my siblings, my dad has brown, moms are green, and my other two sisters are green and my bro's are blue. my husbands are like a honey brown his moms are brown and his dads are daughter came out with dark blue eyes that turned brown with a green ring around them. as long as one of you has brown eyes, your baby probley will toWhat about the eye color probability?
    Brown eyes are dominant so the baby will probably have brown eyes.. .however, there is a chance for green eyes since that's what everyone else besdies you seems to have.
    Brown eyes are dominant...however, my mom had blue eyes, my dad had brown eyes, and they had 4 kids. Genetics say that my parents should have had 3 brown-eyed kids and 1 blue-eyed kid. 2 brothers have blue eyes, my sister has light green eyes, and I have hazel eyes. Go figure.

    The science of genetics will lean towards brown, but that's the fun of babies...they don't always listen to genetics when it comes to things like eye color!
    brown is usually the dominant gene :) good luck
    since brown is dominant, it is most likely that it will have brown. there is a smaller chance of green eyes.
    well...mine are light brown.

    my dh's are green.

    my moms are light brown and my dads are blue.

    my dh's mom AND dad both had brown....

    our son has bluish/green.

    no one thought he would keep his light eyes - and he did!


    How often does eye color change in teenagers during puberty and does it turn lighter or darker?

    i was wondering this because my parents both have very light brown eyes (a honey-ish, sometimes yellow color) and i turned out with dark dark brown eyes (they were grey when i was born) and my brother turned out with green eyes (they were blue when he was born).How often does eye color change in teenagers during puberty and does it turn lighter or darker?
    Sometimes babies are born with lighter color eyes than what they will have as an adult. It is not unusual for kids to be born with blue eyes. This is because the pigment that gives us our eye color has not completely been produced at this point.

    Once we reach puberty, we will already have the eye color that we will have throughout adulthood.How often does eye color change in teenagers during puberty and does it turn lighter or darker?
    what color eyes are the mail mans...... j/k what about your relatives like your aunts and uncles or grand parents.
    I don't think eye colors actually change. I thought they did when I was a kid, too, but it just depends on what you're wearing and what aspects of your eye color your clothes bring out. Also different shades of eye make-up can make them look different.
    I can't say mine or anyone else's I've met has changed at all.
    my eyes haven't changed at all my whole life
    My eyes also changed from being very blue, even to when I was in my early teens, to more green/blue (in fact quite a few people have commented about my green eyes). I have no idea as to why this happens, I do know there are several modifier genes that work for eye colour and I wonder if some of those may affect pigmentation of eye colour during different life stages...interesting question.

    How do i choose the best color for eye makeup?

    i dont really wear makeup, because i dontknow what kind to wear, but i want to impress this guy at school (i know i shouldnt care) but i really want to look better, possibly look my best!How do i choose the best color for eye makeup?
    It depends on your eye colour. Purples and browns are good for brown eyes, grays and neutrals are good for hazel, blues greens and browns are good for blue, pinks and neutrals are good for green.

    Honestly I suggest watching some youtube videos. There are some great gurus who constantly add awesome videos. You really get to know them and like them.

    My favourites that I suggest looking up are:






    None of these are me, so I'm not trying to sell them or anything, but they are really fun, talented girls who do some great looks and are really likeable.

    Hope this helps!How do i choose the best color for eye makeup?
    maybe try woodwinked by MAC its a golden shiny brown and it makes your eyes looks amazing and it goes with any color i used to wear it every day(: and try retrospect by MAC (its a lighter color for the top of your eyelids near your eyebrows) w/ wookwinked . put woodwinked on your whole eyelid and add retrospect to the top section near your eyes brows(: it works and looks amazing(:

    and i think it would look good with blue eyes cause i have green and it looks great(:
    most go by your eyes but I go by hair because my eyes are gay brown. for dark hair use dark tones to get the shadow look u put black on your lid a nuetral gray on your crease an almost white on your brow bone and black eyeliner a deeper effect trace a line under the eye in black. If you have a lighter color hair you could try a dark blue for the lid a dark pink for the crease a light pink for the brow bone and for the outer corner a dark green make a thin line again for more dramatic look and a dark eyeliner. there is a 4 kit eye makeup made from mabelline new york that gives you each description i listed for the lid crease brow bone and outer corner and on the back shows pictures of how to apply. good luck and I hope I helped.
    if you have blue eyes use bronze.get a compact that has several similar colors in it. a really great one is almay intense i color. that is what i use(i also have blue eyes) take the lightest color and use on lids up to the crease. then use the darkest color on the outer corner. finally use the medium shade on the crease to blend the other two colors together.put on a little eye liner and mascara to finish and viola you'll look great!
    Golden browns..well, bronzes :) You can get nice Bourjois single colour ones. I have blue eyes too and I use their bronze all the time. It's a bit sparkly too, so great for night if you put a bit more on than you would for day wear.
    Need to know the colour of your eyes
    Well what color are your eyes????
  • home theater
  • Describe how traits for eye color, tongue rolling, and tallness are inherited.?

    Describe how traits for eye color, tongue rolling, and tallness are inherited. Hint: You don't neeed to know which traits are dominant.Describe how traits for eye color, tongue rolling, and tallness are inherited.?
    Eye color and tongue rolling are straight Mendelian traits, one allele on each of the parental chromosome sets ( do not know which chromosome number ) Tallness is a polygenic trait; it is located at approximately 5 loci points ( 10 alleles ) and is additive in expression, or can be epigenetic, where some alleles modify the expression of others.

    PS I stand corrected on the eye color. ( below )Describe how traits for eye color, tongue rolling, and tallness are inherited.?
    It depends on what chromosomes your parents pass on. If your mom can roll her tongue and her egg cell contains the chromosome then you would be able to roll your tongue.
    Sorry to disagree but eye colour is definitely NOT a simple Mendelian inheritance. Google this and the human genome project for an insight. In short, no-one knows as yet - so I don't know why your teacher has asked this.

    What is the most beautiful eye color on a girl?

    green blue brown....?What is the most beautiful eye color on a girl?
    GREEN!!! GO GREEN!!!!!!

    Its individual as only 2-3 % of the worlds population have green eyes. Be proud of them!

    Plus its a nice colour.What is the most beautiful eye color on a girl?
    green are by far waaaay more beautiful than any color! And yes, they are RARER than blue! Trust me, wherever you got your 1-2% of the population thing, it lied. A lot more people have blue than green!

    I'm proud of my green eyes ; ) Report Abuse

    blue and hazel green is beautifully good it is so nice actually my eyes is black because i am a pilipino in Philippines well are u new?? me i am new but about 4 weeks i am a member hazel green is nice because i saw a girl that is really beautiful with green hazel green eyes and also blue..
    Hey there!

    Personally, i think blue eyes on blondes, and brown eyes on brunettes look really pretty!

    Only about 1-2% of the worlds population has blue eyes! 2-3% of the world has green eyes, and about 95% has brown eyes! Amazing huh?

    Thanks %26amp; great question to!
    I really don't know, but I love my eye color. I get a lot of compliments on it

    Green :)

    Mine Are Green

    And Green Are Sparkerly :)

    I think they all look great, but i like blue and brown! but green is nice to! good luck xoxo
    Brown :]
    Blue or brown (:
    hazel eyes

    Which eye color would look best on me?

    okay, ive got dirty blondish/light brown hair....and fair skin...and brow n what eye color would look nice? or is brown good? im not planning on getting contacts or anything, im just wondering....Which eye color would look best on me?
    Your natural eye color- Brown. That's why God gave you brown eyes.Which eye color would look best on me?
    Every eye color, LOL! Brown, blue, green, hazel, PURPLE! LOL :-) But seriously, you'd look good in all of them. Most people do.
    Green or Hazel
    i like green
    umm.. green?

    Which hair color and type, eye color, and body type do you like best?

    Hair color- Blonde, Brunette, Red or Black

    Hair Type- Straight, Wavy, Curly

    Hair lenght- long, short, or medium

    Eye Color- Blue, Brown, Green or Hazel

    Height- Short, Tall or Medium

    Body Type- Skinny and Tall, small and petite, curvier, or just mediumWhich hair color and type, eye color, and body type do you like best?



    eye color-green


    body-medium, but with curvesWhich hair color and type, eye color, and body type do you like best?
    For a guy:

    Hair color: any

    Hair type: Straight/wavy

    Hair length: Medium

    Eye color: Any

    Height: Medium

    Body type: None of those...Strong, but not like a weight lifter.





    skinny and petite

    I want to dye my hair brown and have straight hair really bad.



    Green Eyes


    Tall but not super skinny

    Whats your favorite eye color on a female?

    %26amp; hair color


    %26amp; anything you'd like to add? (:Whats your favorite eye color on a female?
    brown hair

    same height as me or a little shorter


    pretty face

    nice smile =)Whats your favorite eye color on a female?
    pointless asking his question btw. its different for each person. a guy may love brunettes %26amp;%26amp; then one day the love of his life is ginger. sake btw much more to love than hair colour and height - personality folks? nahh fine.
    she has to be about up to my chin. which would make her 5 feet. she has to about 160lbs maybe more. brown eyes, blonde hair then brown hair and of course big boobs with a big gut to rest them on.
    rainbow poo its an acctual color

    Would megan fox still be all she is without her eye color?

    what if she had brown eyesWould megan fox still be all she is without her eye color?
    i never thought she was as good looking as everyone says. as for eye color, blue doesnt automatically equal ';pretty';. I've often found that eurocentric and superficial. I've seen people with prettier eyes than hers and a lot of those people had brown or green.

    who's eyes would you say are more captivating/beautiful?:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Would megan fox still be all she is without her eye color?
    Yes. Her eye color is probably one of the last things anyone really cares about. If she didn't have her banging body and gorgeous face, maybe not.
    it wouldn't matter what color your eyes are. the fact that she is ';bangin'; says it all.
    What T said.
  • home theater
  • Is eye changing color at age 15 possible ?

    see i was born with blue eyes they changed to dark brown i get why that happened but they were dark brown all my life basically but now my parents people and myself are starting to notice that they have changed from dark brown to hazel is this possible or just a coincidence ?Is eye changing color at age 15 possible ?
    yeah it happens to alot of bown eyed people. my eyes went from hazel to greenIs eye changing color at age 15 possible ?
    my eyes go from dark brown to brown to hazel to green. they still change depending on how i fell and how the weather is and im 18
    yes it is. my eyes were blue and now they're gray. cool huh? and my sisters eyes are going from dark brown to light brown now, they might get hazel.

    If you could choose your eye color?

    which color would you choose. Mine are green and I'd keep my color.If you could choose your eye color?

    No, I'd really like to have green eyes.If you could choose your eye color?
    same as my av

    I want purple eyes. But, there probably isn't such thing. I also want orange eyes. But, instead I have brown eyes.
    mine are hazel/green and i am getting blue colored contacts as i think it is hot with a woman with blue eyes and dark hair
    mine are brown and i would go to green. they just look so cool :)

    but my friend got gray and they look horrible and really scary!!
    I would like a deep sapphire blue shade like I had until the age of 4.

    But then one night they turned dark brown. :(
    Green because its my favorite color

    i wouldn't mind blue either.
    blue, mine are a very pretty brown though, maybe natural
    I have green eyes, too :)

    But I'd pick all black so I can freak people out!
    Grey. I like the color, dark but nice.
    mines R grEen 2!! and id keep tht sh!t. its bright light green. ppl always say h0w h0t my eyez r s0 y w0uld i change it?? :]
    Chestnut (few shades lighter), or very deep purple! :)
    I'd just keep mine brown. If I had another color i'd just look retarted
    Green or hazel, maybe dark blue, your so lucky..
    I would want one greenish brown and the other brown
    I would keep mine, they're hazel.
    golden hazel
    i have golden eyes, but i would love to have gray eyes.
    A very pretty blue.
    green or hazel

    mine are light brown. with a hint of green.
    Red. %26gt;=D
    I'd choose gold or purple. =D
    Grey or blue grey.
    I like my natural color hazel and would like to keep it that way.
    i soo whish i had green eyes! or like, piercingly blue ones.

    mine are just brown :(
    light blue
    red or blue
    Why don't we keep these stupid questions to ourselves, and keep Yahoo! Answers clear for questions that matter.

    How do u change your eye color on photofiltre?

    the photo editing thingHow do u change your eye color on photofiltre?
    you would open image, select eye area with lasso tool, then adjust hue/saturation to various colors, this version does one selection at a time,…



    My dogs eye color changed from black to green. what does that mean?

    it doesn't mean anything. sometimes eye color changes with moods. you shouldn't worry about it.

    hope i helped:DMy dogs eye color changed from black to green. what does that mean?
    just means the pigments in the eyes changedMy dogs eye color changed from black to green. what does that mean?
    The light can change it, or the pigments switch.

    It can be dark green that switches to light green in the light.
    the light changes the color
    Must be Irish...
    My dog's eyes did that 2! Like 5 years ago when he was a puppy. I think it means something normal.

    Any girl want their photo edited, like eye color change, more makeup?

    It must be a straight photo of yourself, like no angle please.

    (=Any girl want their photo edited, like eye color change, more makeup?
    More Makeup/blusher Please:鈥?/a>

    Anything :) :鈥?/a>

    When You've Finished( If You Do It) Could You Send It To Please :)Any girl want their photo edited, like eye color change, more makeup?
    Will this picture work?
    yes. email me at then i will send you a straight picture of me. thnks!
    i want some of my picture edited, can you email me?

    I agree with Maki D, I own Adobe CS4 and only use it for photography reasons not to alter my looks.
    Hmm.. Only UGLY people use photoshop to edit pictures of themself ;]
    most defiantly yes :-)

    message for yummyumm... you look really pretty dont need changing
    photoshops for ugly people :)
    Could you change hair color?
    email me at and i will send you a pic of me
  • home theater
  • Any contact lenses out there that really change your eye color and make it look natural, not fake?

    i have dark brown eyes. are there any contacts that make your eyes green and it doesnt look tooo fake. My GF wants me to try something different. Any contacts at all out there that really change your eye color and make it look real or close to reall? i dont wanna wear those color blend stuff that makes you look weird. thanxAny contact lenses out there that really change your eye color and make it look natural, not fake?
    um ya they work

    but on dark eyes not so much

    i had had hazel eyes and wore aqua contacts

    they literaly dyed mi eyes and not there permanantly

    not that i have a problem mi eyes are gorgeous now

    What was Vladimir Lenin's eye color?

    I found an answer that is was blue is this true?What was Vladimir Lenin's eye color?
    Looks blue to me鈥?/a>What was Vladimir Lenin's eye color?
    Who cares? The guy was just pure evil like Pol Pot. Still many things are classified and they need to be declassified so people can know what happend in WW2.

    What is definition of hazel eye color...?

    Mine are green, with a brown edge away from the pupil.

    Is that the definition of hazel?What is definition of hazel eye color...?
    Hazel eyes are due to a combination of a Rayleigh scattering and a moderate amount of melanin in the iris' anterior border layer.A number of studies using three-point scales have assigned ';hazel'; to be the medium-color between brown and dark brown.[This can sometimes produce a multicolored iris, i.e., an eye that is brown near the pupil and charcoal or amber on the outer part of the iris when it is open to the elements of the sun/shined in the sunlight. Hazel is mostly found in the regions of South and East European nations and Britain.

    A green-brown human iris displaying a brown center and a green edge. This type of iris, although rare, is often also called hazel.

    There is some difficulty in defining the eye color ';hazel'; as it is sometimes considered to be synonymous with brown and other times with green. They have been described as light brown or yellowish brown, or as a lighter shade of brown. Hazel eyes have also been described as being equivalent to a dark black or charcoal-colored/light black eyes. In North America, ';hazel'; is often used to describe eyes that change color, ranging from light brown to green and even blue, depending on what color clothing the person is wearing or what color is predominant in their immediate environment. (Eyes that change only between blue and green are not called ';hazel';; the term only describes changeable eye color that includes a brownish shade within its range.)What is definition of hazel eye color...?
    yep. a combination of brown/green is considered hazel. actually, i've heard it refered to as -hazel green.
    Yeah probably mine are like that

    Can I change my eye color?

    I read online that eye color has a little to do with pigments. So i was wondering if Micheal Jackson could turn white could I change my eye color?Can I change my eye color?
    Naturally people's eyes can change but not drastically. I don't have a prescription but I was happy to find non prescription lenses available in many colors on They had good deals and selection.Can I change my eye color?
    i can make them black and charge.joke.
    they have contacts which when you wear them make your eyes appear like they are a different color but your eyes color won't actually change I put a url in my answer to prove they make contacts that make your eye appear like they're a different colors. Just for the ones who thought that it was a joke. (cough) cy
    yeah, colored contacts

    nice joke, should make it better though
    I don't thnk color of eyes changes naturally. As you get older maybe the pigment of your eye color get's lighter but not noticeable. Only contact lenses can change your eye color dramatically.
    You can't turn your eyes different colours naturally, but you can wear coloured contact lenses.

    Our neighbor and us both have different eye color but parents have the same? click 4 details?

    my nextdoor neighbor(bro $ sis) both have brown eyes and me and my bro both have green eyes. their spanish. we are white. both of our dads have brown eyes and both of our moms have green eyes. what's up with that?Our neighbor and us both have different eye color but parents have the same? click 4 details?
    genetics is the study of heredity and variation. most traits are inherited from the parents; sometimes it's the same as the father's, sometimes it's the same as the mother's, other times it's a combination of both and in some cases, the traits inherited can not be seen in any of the parents.

    let's try to find out the probabilities or chances of inheriting the eye color trait... i think brown eye color is a dominant trait (B), and green eye color is probably recessive (b) so:

    if the father (or male/m) is heterozygous dominant for the trait (Bb) and the mother (or female/f) is most probably homozygous recessive (bb) then...

    m\f b b

    B Bb Bb

    b bb bb


    2 Bb : 2 bb

    or 50% chance of brown eyes and 50% chance of green eyes

    but if the father (or male/m) is homoozygous dominant for the trait (BB) and the mother (or female/f) is most probably homozygous recessive (bb) then...

    m\f b b

    B Bb Bb

    B Bb Bb


    4 Bb

    or 100% chance of brown eyesOur neighbor and us both have different eye color but parents have the same? click 4 details?
    Brown and blue are dominant alleals and hazel is recessive. Green is heterozygous Brown and Blue. Your green eye pigment is from your moms moms blue trait mixing with your dads brown trait.

    mom : Br / Bl


    dad : Br Br / Gr

    Bl Gr / Bl
    random segregation of the eye colour alleles after crossing over of the chiasmata
    ur dad carries traits for brown genes n ur mom carries traits for green ur case green genes dominate over the recessive brown genes. hence u n ur brother hv green eyes but in ur neughbours case brown gene seems to be dominant over green. we learn all this in genetics. ull find many couples wid same eye colour as ur parents..
    ok, brown is dominant to green.

    your dad`s genes is Bb (B representing Brown and b representing green)

    Your mom`s genes is bb

    Bb if married with bb will have 2 possibilities for their child:

    50% Bb (brown)

    50% bb (green)

    your neighbour`s dad genes BB and his wife is bb

    so the possibilities of their child are 100% Bb

    which mean all of their children must be browned eyes.

    BB = brown

    Bb = brown

    bb = green
    i think different races, like Hispanic and African, who have darker skin colors, the brown eyes and darker skin are always dominant. And with white people blue or green eyes are dominant.
    The wonderful world of genetics. Just because your parents' eyes are their current color doesn't mean that they do not carry the genes for other eye colors. It just happened that way. Once you get into Biology you'll see how this happened.
    yes it is truly all a play of your family genes.u know chromosomes is important cell organelle which contain genes which determines the hereditary characters.the same case with u.

    we get different characteristics from oUr parents or grandparents or even from our forefathers. in your case u and ur bother heredited eye color from your mom whereas your neighbors from their father.

    your parent must have heredited eye color from their parent or others. same way ur neighbors parents have herideted from their parents.

    its not because of any relation between u and ur neighbour. they hereditate from their family and u from yours family. thats all.
    it is due to your grand father and grandmother genes

    What is your preferance in the opposite sex? Hair color? Eye color? Height? Skin tone? Speach Accents?

    In the opposite sex, what hair color, height, skin tone (dark skin, tan skin, fair skin), eye color, etc. do you preffer most often? Men, do you preffer a more ';girlie girl';, like a ';Miss Priss'; or someone who doesn't mind gettting her hands dirty? Do you prefer a certain speach accent like a southern accent or a northen accent or British,etc?What is your preferance in the opposite sex? Hair color? Eye color? Height? Skin tone? Speach Accents?
    Hair color is complicated, usually I prefer someone's natural color though because it seems to fit them best, the only thing I really dislike is brown with fake blond high-lites or dyed red hair. Height, anywhere between 5'10'; and 5'2'; (I'm 6'1';), pale skin, no preference, no preference. Accents can be cool or a complete turn off, minnesota accents and russian accents are my favorites.What is your preferance in the opposite sex? Hair color? Eye color? Height? Skin tone? Speach Accents?
    Now that I've seen the menu, let me place my order. If it was only that simple.

    I'll take her however she comes. I like what's inside much more than what's on the outside.


    My preference is a good personality over looks
  • home theater
  • Enhancing eye color with google picasa?

    My friend wants me to digitally edit a pic for her and she has these beautiful green eyes that would look amazing if they were enhanced while the rest of the pic was in black and white. I don't know how to do it though, but I saw this person somewhere on the internet do it. does anyone know how? Keep in mind that I have limited resources here, i have google picasa 2. thanks for your help!Enhancing eye color with google picasa?
    I don't think Picasa is that advanced. However, Aviary is.

    It is free and online. You might still need an invitation, I forget (that's why the second link is there).

    It is nearly as powerful as Photoshop (or at least Photoshop Elements). After a little time exploring, you should be able to enhance the pic in the way you described.Enhancing eye color with google picasa?
    Could take a little while, a few or up to a week or two. Depends on how many people the site is letting in at any given time. Inviteshare really helps. Report Abuse

    When it comes to eye makeup should you wear just one color on your lid?

    What is your opinions. Ive seen people just spash on a color on their lid others who do a one color on the lid then a different for the outer corner and another one for the crease?When it comes to eye makeup should you wear just one color on your lid?
    It depends on your dress but putting too many shades on your eyes never looks good. We can use 2 shades if it required otherwise one will be fine.When it comes to eye makeup should you wear just one color on your lid?
    You can wear whatever you want the best thing is to get something that will compliment your eyes. For me the smokey eye effect works great it is just basicly 2-3 colors being blended in. Choose the right color or colors and you will look great.Don't forget to give your lips a nice color to go with your eyes =]
    It's really a matter of personal preference. When I do my makeup for work I just usually do one color on my eye lid with some mascara. If I'm doing my makeup to go out, I normally do 3 colors (one for brow bone, crease, and lid) and add eye liner to the mix.
    if they coordinate their colors properly then 2-3 colors would be efficient. But if your new to makeup I would start with one.

    There are always many different options when it comes to makeup.

    (for anybody)

    If you would like some makeup tips or ideas


    you could just wear one color, but to emphasize your eyes more use a lighter color like white on the inside of your eyes and underneath your brow bone, then a middle color on ur lid, and a darker os shinier color on the crease and on your bottom lashes!
    I think you can do one to two!!!!

    What is the best color combination on my computer to reduce eye strain?

    What colors should I set the background and text to that will be easiest to read. And what about fonts?What is the best color combination on my computer to reduce eye strain?
    A few tricks are make sure you have good lighting so you don't strain, also chose fonts that are easy for you to see when you sit at a comfortable distance, lastly choose colors that are soft to keep you from focusing on it instead of the font. And use a glare blocker if you have an older monitor that doesn't have it built into the screen. And if you wear glasses get anti-glare coating it makes a difference.What is the best color combination on my computer to reduce eye strain?
    high contrast. white-on-black or black-on-white. bigger, simpler fonts are better, smaller, fancier fonts are usually harder.

    How to make my eye color look AMAZING!?;current=Picture1.png

    i would like to have breath taking eyes i hope this is a good picture so you can tell me what to do to make them pop!How to make my eye color look AMAZING!?
    they look great already... but try a light gold or purple eyeshadowHow to make my eye color look AMAZING!?
    fake eyelasshes


    silver eyeshadow

    Eye color, is it continuous or discontinuous variation?

    i've learning continuous and discontinuous variation

    under Genetic topic-chromosomes

    i was wondering since continuous variation means there are values that have betweens -such as height and weight.

    since there are variety of eye colors- black, brown, light brown, green, blue , and etc

    what is it considered as??

    my teacher insists its discontinuous but there are ';various'; colors in eyes, so im confused.

    please explainEye color, is it continuous or discontinuous variation?
    your eye color/ or skin color is based on the amount of melanin in your body. Melanin is determined genetically, it's what gives your skin and eyes pigmentation. Example: no melanin means the person is pale white and probably has no eyecolor, some melanin means the person has frail pale skin with blue eyes, moderate amounts mean you probably have tan skin with brown, green, hazel, and in rare cases black eyes, lots of melanin means your black or brown with black or brown eyes. Blue eyed people are said to have a common ancestor and typicly have ancestors from the north of the northern hemisphere or ancestors from the south in the southern hemi sphere
  • home theater
  • What hair color is best at hiding under eye lines?

    I feel like experimenting with hair colors. I'm pale with naturally dirty blonde hair. The problem is I have under eye lines. I was wondering what would be the best color hair to make them less obvious? (as opposed to other colors)??What hair color is best at hiding under eye lines?
    first i'd try an eye cream then go for the hair color. I';d have highlights put in personally, that would draw attention away from your eyes.What hair color is best at hiding under eye lines?
    Ok My Best friend is also very pale and struggled with under eye lines.

    No she wanted to bleach her hair and all that did was made her look really super pasty and I tries to tell her that it wouldn't look good because of her completion, so I decided I would tell her to try a new color and, the best color for her pale completion was Dark Brown Burgundy, Sho loved it so very much and I'm sure you'll love it and if you don't you could always go back. Hope this helps

    ';Your Friend';

    What is the best eye shadow color for blonde hair and green eyes?

    my hair is blondish brownWhat is the best eye shadow color for blonde hair and green eyes?
    Okay so unlike what people said DO NOT go with the color of shirt yuo are wearing or something that matches your clothes!!!

    Wear makeup that matches your personality. And your eyes.

    If you wear eyeliner put some green eyeliner on the bottom lid. It will really make the color of your eyes pop. This also shows a very upbeat personality. If you really like playing with color try a dark blue eyeliner. Or a bit of blue eyeshadow with a shimmer rubbed into the outside corner of each eye. just not too dark!!

    Color wise its a rule that grren eyes go well with green, blue and any other really opposite color. Brown also goes well with almost every eye color. Since your hair is blonde I will assume you have somewhat fair skin. so I would stay away from pinks and purples. a nice gold can really pull out any hazel in your eyes and make your eyes look multi-toned... its a really nice effect.

    if you dont really like to play with color I would suggest using a bronzie or golden brown and sweep it over the lid. make sure its a bit irridescent or translscent just something fro a shimmer . and then a darker brown in the crease.... make sure you blend it in really well. if your feeling creative this is when you would eith put on a colorful eyeliner or a bit of an accent color on your crease ( remember a green or a blue...... pink and purples will not be too apealing). Oh and colored mascara is fun to play with too. Maybe a bit of dark green just on the lashes closest to the outside of your eye.....

    I know I gave more info then you asked for but I hope I helped!What is the best eye shadow color for blonde hair and green eyes?
    Maybe a red based brown color. Good luck!
    try to match it with whatever color shirt you are wearing. and don't put it too heavy. dark eye shawdow looks cheap and gaudy.

    if you don't have a big selection, use like a tan color or even just use a little black eyeliner.
    ok first. no matter wut anyone says. never EVER choose eye shadow colors according to wut you're wearing. eyeshadow colors should always be choosen to compliment your eyes NOT match shirts or wutever. second. green eyes are soo pretty. you should put on colors that are earthy. green and shades of brown look really good with green eyes and definitely bring them out. also purple like plum, lavender etc. good luck! hoped it helped.
    I have green eyes.

    When I had a professional help me with my makeup, she told me that because my eyes were green, i was to wear either brown or purple shadows to make them stand out more.
    Brown, and different ranges of purple...plum, violet, lavender, and eggplant in the berry family
    Purple! And definitely don't match the color to your outfit- makeup should always compliment your face, skin, eyes, etc and not match your clothes. But go with different shades of purple

    Is there hair/eye color discrimination amonst the white race in Europe and America ?

    I haven't heard of anything like this. In Europe, everyone is European and white despite of what hair color and eye color you have. We are all brothers and sisters. Some may be more considered more beautiful and exotic for example a greek person going to sweden would be considered exotic because of dark hair but there isn't discrimination..Is there hair/eye color discrimination amonst the white race in Europe and America ?
    Many folks consider red heads to be fey.

    And blondes are supposedly dumb.

    If you could change your eye color what would it be?

    Yellow Hazel / Green Hazel / Brown Hazel.If you could change your eye color what would it be?
    I don't know... because I really like my eyes. But if I had to I'd change them from green with dark rims around the iris to gray/blue with rims around the iris.If you could change your eye color what would it be?
    normal eye eye color change every damn time! its bloody irritating!
    They would be a little bluer, but I actually like my eye color its really different.
    i have beautiful blue eyes and i love them but if i had to change i would want them green
    ....either light green, VERY clear light blue, or violet ^_~
    From blue-gray to green-hazel
    From icy green to icy blue
    hazel ;)
    I have hazel eyes, and they change colors
    A really bright green, but I have to admit my eyes look pretty good right now. They're a really light brown.
    I would change from blue to purple...
    Dark/Icy blue.

    I always found blue eyes fascinating. My eyes are green, which isn't bad.
    Grey to balck.

    I'd want my iris to be a very bright color,like fiery red or gold.It'll look so awesome.
    I kind of want my eyes to have alot more of a green tint to them. Mine are hazel. But they almost appear brown sometimes
    ocean blue but my eyes change colors i know im lucky
    Green :-)
    My eyes are light blue. I would only change to green.
    Deep green.
    light brown to maybe green/hazel like my daddy's
    im a blonde so id hav to go w/ blue lol
    bright blue
    gray or green
    bright green

    Are these his real eye color or are they contacts?

    Here is a pic of this boy I met on myspace do u think he's cute? he says they are his real eye color but they look so crazy it must be contacts what do you think?

    this is the only one u dont have to log in myspace to see. these his real eye color or are they contacts?
    it looks like his true eye color. but don't go and actually meet him! i wrote an essay about meeting with strangers and got an A. Be careful!

    and yes, it does look like his true eye color. very sexy might i add..

    lol =]Are these his real eye color or are they contacts?
    yes i think there real. its easy to tell...

    DONT TRUST BOYS ON MYSPACE! he probably is a 40 year old rapist or something... just saying.
    His true eye color.
    uh, yeah.

    Brown is very common so I'm 99.9...% it's his real eye colour.
    its just brown, it looks like it's his true eye color.
    no contacts. at least I don't think so. very deep looking. Might be worth getting to know.
    hes alright. yeah thats his real eye color

    who would buy brown contacts anyway?
    Dude my eyes look like that except with a little green in them :) and they are 100% real babeh! xoxo

    Weres a place were you can change your photo's eye color like say if i wanted to change it to red or light?

    Hi im trying to find a place were you can change you eye color for FREE in your photo can you plz plz plz help plz and thank youWeres a place were you can change your photo's eye color like say if i wanted to change it to red or light?
    you can use one of these online sites, all can do the job.

    good luckWeres a place were you can change your photo's eye color like say if i wanted to change it to red or light?
    鈥?Adobe Photoshop!! ONE SPOT COLOR

    What I usually do is select (magnetic lasso or magic wand tool) the part that has to remain colored and then press ctr+shift+j which copies the selected area to a different layer. Then I click back on the background layer and press ctrl+shift+u which turns it to Black and white except for the portion on the different layer. Once it is done you can combine the two layers by pressing ctrl+e and save it..
    I can quite easily change eye colour, or indeed any colour in my photos using Photoshop CS3 or Lightroom 2.3.

    For free?.. well it doesn't cost me anything to do it...The software costs a fair bit though.

    Try using GIMP, it is great free photo editing software. I imagine there will be a layers option to achieve that effect.

    Download Google's Picasa.

    It will change your life about photography fixes and other fun photo-stuff.

    extremely easy. But remember to save a copy of the first pic and name the changes something different ...just in case you dont want to keep the changes.

    Hope this helps.

    you can probably downaload a free version of photoshop. but tutorials for how to change eye color usually suck haha. so if you want me to do it for you thats no problem im pretty much rly good at it haha thats what i go to school for
  • home theater
  • Which area in Korea where light eye color is common?

    I was watching a drama and this korean actress name Go Ah Ra has lightbrown/yellowgreen eyes... and i thought she was wearing contact lenses but i found out that she came from an area in Korea where light eye color (not dark brown/black) is common).Which area in Korea where light eye color is common?
    Well, Korea hasn't really mixed with other races in its history, so black is by far the most common eye color in Korea (I'm korean myself so i would know). So, yah. There's no area that has light colored eyes.Which area in Korea where light eye color is common?
    It is uncommon to have a ';light eye colour'; and Go Ah Ra wears contact lenses. Most koreans have black to brown colours and some I have seen having a light coloured brown, which I often assume they are either mixed but not. But with Go Ah Ra's case she has a dark brown eye colour, it even says it in her profile.
    lol. i've never heard of an area with light'eyed color. She was probably wearing colored contacts. lol. some people actually do that these days.
    Go Ah Ra wears colored contact lenses. Most Korean actresses do these days.

    What color eye-liner looks best on girls with brown hair?

    i have brown hair and im wondering what color would look best on me.What color eye-liner looks best on girls with brown hair?
    Depends on the color of your skin and clothing you are wearing at the time.What color eye-liner looks best on girls with brown hair?
    It depends on your eye color and skin tone too, along with what you're wearing. I've got brown hair, brown eyes, and light olive skin, and I wear mostly brown-black or black, but I'll also wear dark tones like navy and forest green.
    If you're white then stick with brown eyeliner, if you're black or have dark skin then black eyeliner is for you.
    Black is everyone's bestfriend!
    Black or a glitter gold/emerald :)
    I have light brown hair. i use a dark brown eye-liner

    sometimes black

    What eye shadow and lip color should I use?

    I really wanna know what color I should put on eyes and lips. I have big hazelish-green eyes....and i have sort of dark brown hair with a few lighter high-lights. I REALLY don't know what color I should put on my eyes!!! Also, I have a pretty light what color should I put on my lips?!?!....

    Thank you soooo much! %26lt;3What eye shadow and lip color should I use?
    okay so for eyes, i'd use black mascara, dark brown eyeliner, and plum eyeshadow.

    it's gorgeous, and will bring out the green undertones in your eyes.

    for light complexions, work with a peach lip color, it's really cute and adds a nice flush to your overall complexion(:What eye shadow and lip color should I use?
    Don't use blue for a start, it doesn't go with hazel, green or brown.

    You have brown hair, so sometimes brown looks good, but can be boring!

    I have the same colour eyes but bright red hair.

    I go for pale colours like pale silvers, glitters (pale bayy-m dazzle dust colours)

    or Pale greens,

    The pale greens can be blended into a darker green.

    :] hope i helped.

    Did your babies eye color change?

    Hi Everyone! How r u doing.....I have an older son who is 3 and he was born with brown eyes and it has stayed that way...I have a 3 month old baby and when he was born he had brown eyes but then at 3 weeks it has changed to greyish green!! As each day goes by it is getting more distinct! We have that in our families but way way back in our family tree! Weird! Did your babies eyes change colors...The doctor said it could change colors upto a year but it may stay this color as it has changed from brown to grey green!Did your babies eye color change?
    Wow! I never heard of eyes changing from brown to blue or green, wild! That must of been unexpected!! I always hear about that steal blue color that changes. My son was born with the steel blue eyes.. and the tone and shade has changed a bunch... but it's settled to about the exact same as my blue eyes in the past 2 months.. He's almost 7 months now so I'm mostly assuming he just got my eyes at this point.. He also got my skin and my hair so it's fitting! :-)Did your babies eye color change?
    me: born with indigo blue eyes, went to electric blue, then when i was about 11 (years!), they turned grey-green.

    oldest daughter: born with flat grey eyes, went through all kinds of wierd colours to end up brown at around 9mo, but at 23yrs of age, they are dark forest green in the middle with a black rim.

    second daughter: born with eye colour so dark we didn't know what it was. changed to gunmetal steel blue, then hazel (mixed green and brown). she's 20 now and her eyes are a clear, true green.

    third daughter: born with blue eyes, but they're chocolate brown now. she's only just turned 2 so what they'll be when she's grown up is anyone's guess.
    The same thing happened to my daughter. She was born with brown, and around 2-3 months, her eyes began to lighten and now they are a dark grey/blue with a little green. She is 18 months and they have been this same color since she was 5 months, so I think this will be the final shade.
    Our children were born with dark blue eyes and now have green, blue-green, and our youngest is still too young to tell. Most children have their lifelong eye color by age 2 - but it can still change a little.
    My daughter was born with dark blue eyes and they changed to baby blue. I was born with dark blue eyes and they changed to green when I was around 2-3. It sounds like your little guy is going to have beautiful green eyes!
    My first was born with dark blue they turned hazel my second was born with ice sky blue eyes (exactally like her daddys) I really really hope they stay.
    mine started out with dark blue and they're getting lighter, especially around the middle - they're gorgeous!
    My daughter was born with deep blue eyes and they turned to greenish gray
    my little brother was born with brown eyes and then they turned greenish brown.
    my daughter was born with blue eyes but they changed to dark brown
    Both my babies were born with blue eyes (most are born that way).

    At 18 months my oldest's eyes turned brown/hazel...and my second is 18 months and her eyes have turned grey.

    I don't know what's up with that...but my hubby is sure his eyes changed from blue to brown at 18 months, too. We don't have anyone to verify as he was put into foster care a few years later.

    Thursday, December 3, 2009

    Can eye and skin color lighten with a pill?

    Well, I was reading this article:

    It says you can take a pill and your skin, eyes and hair will darken. Is it possible for a pill you take to do the opposite, and lighten your skin, eyes and hair? Because that would be cool.Can eye and skin color lighten with a pill?
    there are contacts that are colored but turn ur eyes to that color slowly, they are used in japan a lot, but a lot of docs dont recommend it because they are still trying to figure out if there are side effects from them.Can eye and skin color lighten with a pill?
    You can get the contacts at

    yes it is a ';how to be the perfect vampire site'; but there are these really pretty contacts called ';Imortal FX';. the colors are violet, aqua, blue, green, gray. Report Abuse

    What eye color do I put on my passport?

    grey or blue?What eye color do I put on my passport?
    Nobody cares. Nobody's gonna look that close. Put hazel... combo of the two. Problem solved.What eye color do I put on my passport?
    hazel. nice eyes.
    your own
  • home theater
  • What eye color do guys prefer?

    Ok guys what eye color do you think is the sexiest, prettiest, most beautiful whatever =] oh and girls can answer too- i'm not that sexist LOL XDWhat eye color do guys prefer?
    green eyes are very attractive

    only vibrant ones though

    if i'm honest all eyes colours can be very pretty depending on their depth and the shape of the eyeWhat eye color do guys prefer?
    On guys i absolutely LOVE green eyes. But guys normally prefer blue eyes on a chick. Me? I have pretty brown eyes that have flecks of green in em'.
    GREEN! omg if you have tan skin and light brown hair I'd go with green, i think its hot. For anyone else I like honey. Or dark brown, almost black eyes.
    i personally like dark eyes and dark hair although green is very pretty too.
    dark brown..

    In the film Coraline, what was Wybie's eye color?

    In the movie Coraline, what was Wybie's (aka Wyborne's) eye color? Was it green, or brown, or amber, or what?In the film Coraline, what was Wybie's eye color?
    they were a shade of brown

    What Color are your Eye's Compared to What Color of Eyeshadow you use?

    If you have BLue Eyes what color eyeshadow do you use, if you have Brown Eye's what color of Eyeshadow do you use ur answers would be greatly appreciated =]What Color are your Eye's Compared to What Color of Eyeshadow you use?

    1. Tried and True: taupe, gray, violet, purple, deep blue (a darker shade than your eye color makes your eyes really blue), black (mix it with bright blue for a smoky effect)

    2. Funky Favorites: silver, turquoise, fuschia (brightens any shade of blue)


    1. Tried and True: brown, apricot, purple, plum, deep khaki or forest green (because they are in the same greenish family, they brighten green eyes)

    2. Funky Favorites: gold, glowing, lime-green, really light green, bright purple (super modern)


    1. Tried and True: copper, bronze, champagne Uma Thurman (soft pink with a touch of apricot), brown (for a doe-eyed look), beige, and khaki-green (lighter shades add highlight)

    2. Funky Favorites: tangerine, royal blue, hot pink, lime-green (the contrast adds punch to brown)


    1. Tried and True (Classic): navy or charcoal base to define and a powder-blue shadow for highlighting (it brightens your brow bone so any eye color pops)

    2. Funky Favorites: silver-sparkle shadow makes all eyes look edgy.

    What Color are your Eye's Compared to What Color of Eyeshadow you use?
    I have dark brown eyes. I usually use bronzes and golds, or a golden pink. Lately, I've been experimenting with burgundies and purples, but they have to be on the warm side or they clash with my skin's undertones (I'm light beige with olive undertones). I recently tried the Almay collection for brown eyes and I don't like it--the purple shades seem too ';cool'; for my skin tone. Sometimes I just use black eyeliner on my top lid and that makes my eyes look even darker.
    I was once told by a professional that...

    Brown eyes should be shadowed with blue eyeshadow.

    Green eyes should be shadowed with purple eyeshadow.

    Blue eyes should be shadowed with gold eyeshadow.

    However, realistically, every eye can wear every colour. The suggestions she made were just what made the eye colour stand out more. Hope I helped! :)
    hey there, i have brown eyes and for everyday wear i use neutral colours, most of the time i use a light brown all over, and a dark shimmery gold on the crease.
    I have used the page below as a guide. It's from LA Minerals, where I get my makeup. They have great suggestions for what colors go best with each eye color. Check it out...
    I have green eyes..

    when i use shadows, I like to use the gold shimmers or the silver shimmers for a smoky eye look

    Girls, what is your favorite eye/hair color combination for a guy?

    As for me, I have dark brown hair and dark hazel eyes.Girls, what is your favorite eye/hair color combination for a guy?
    dark hair and eyesGirls, what is your favorite eye/hair color combination for a guy?
    brown hair and blue eyes (preferably dark brown and medium but sharp blue lol).
    dark brown or black eyes

    with dark brown or black hair
    None, a man is a man with his unique appearance.
    Dark brown/black hair (natural not dyed) and dark blue or brown eyes.
    Black or Dark Brown hair with green eyes.

    WoooH! :P
    any colour, doesnt matter=]
    Doesn't matter as i find him attractive!
    Dark brown hair, blue eyes
    blue eyes and blond hair
    cuuuuuuuute! i love dark hair and eyes ;)

    Can your eye color change naturally?

    like without the use of contacts or surgical procedures?

    cos i have a friend and she has blue eyes but in winter they go brown then back to blue.Can your eye color change naturally?
    My eyes turn color, they are brown in the winter and hazel in the summer, it can happen with some people, it has to do with sunlight changing the pigment of the eye, its kinda cool actually :)Can your eye color change naturally?
    my sisters change with her mood. her go from blue to hazel to brown. its neat.

    What eye color is more dominant: blue or green?

    my father has bright blue eyes and my mother has dark green.What eye color is more dominant: blue or green?
    Blue is definitely dominant over green, but brown is dominant over both.What eye color is more dominant: blue or green?
    There are dominant and reccessive genes in each parent, but aparantly because there are so many possible eye colours its hard to draw a genetic cross over diagram for eye colour..

    Thus , eye color is a polygenic trait. The variations in color in the eye are caused by ratios of eumelanin (produced by melanocytes) in the iris. The melanin content of the iris epithelium, the melanin content within the stroma, and the cellular density of the iris contribute to the color of the iris.

    It is hard to determine how to predict eye color. I believe there are three loci that are associated with eye color (brown, green, and blue) and any mixture of these will produce hazel, and to result in a pure color, all four gene must read the same loci.

    Blue eyes are really the only color that is genetically linked.(recessive) So , green is more dominant than blue . However, brown is the most dominat over both.
  • home theater
  • How to do the smoky eye and what lip color goes with it.?

    How can you do the smoky eye and what lip product goes with it. My eyelids are small and i dont know how to do the smoky. the color i want is grey and black.How to do the smoky eye and what lip color goes with it.?
    cover eyelid with the grey first then put black on the area closest to eye, with another brush, fade the two together. eyeliner to top is usually what i do to just darken it a bit more

    a smokey eye is pretty much any colur that is dark close to the eye fading to light further away from the eye.

    lip colour i would go with a pink tint since it would be your eyes that you want to make ';pop'; with somey eyeHow to do the smoky eye and what lip color goes with it.?
    Nice question,,

    first of all, you have to put white eyeshadow at all the eyelid,

    then, put near your internal angle eye the gray co lour and use black co lour starting from the center and extend it up to the external angle of your eye.then using ( cake eyeliner) to draw your eye (up %26amp; down) and try to littel extend the eyeliner up to external angle of your eye. finally put black kagel inside your eyes .

    best lipistic to use are, lancom, dior or estiloder and best color for this makeup are karimi or Bronze
    Light whitish eye shadow from brow bone to lid, depending on what color smokey eye you want. I am assuming black, line your eyes with eyeliner, then get a light black shadow and go over the whole eyelid and then a darker black and go over the corner and use it to smudge the eyeliner top and bottom. Curl your lashes and apply mascara.

    Use a Nude Lipstick, or Gloss.

    Put Vaseline on your lips first if you have dry lips, this helps the color glide better.
    apply a shimmery silver all over your eyelid. Then start at the center of your eye, close to the eyelash line, and use black pencil to draw a thick line winging slightly past the last eyelash. Use a regular q-tip to gently smudge around the line then apply a thick volumizing mascara such as Loreal Voluminous Original. Very pale lip gloss looks best with this.
    a tinted lip balm in a light pink.

    %26amp; to do the eye go over the entire lid with the gray, just lightly. then wet your brush %26amp; starting from the outside of your lid sweep the black across just along the crease really and keep going back %26amp; forth, you don`t need a lot of black it will be bold because it`s wet. try to not sweep your whole eye lid, just more at the outside corner and then your crease. it will leave the gray and have the black i do it every day lol.

    and then go back with the gray and sweep it above where your black is, aka above the crease.

    make sure your lashes are clump free or it will look really heavy.
    I don't have tips in your eyes but for lips I got some tips:(all for lipsglosses should be GLITTERY!! and any color)

    1st Tip:Put pink(light) then put lipgloss on it any color

    2nd Tip:Put red(little light) then lipgloss.

    You can change the color of the lipstick but always put lipgloos that are glittery!!

    Hope i Helped You and Good Luck!!
    Nudelip, definitely. It helps draw attention to the smoky eye.鈥?/a>

    check this out
    You should wear a clear gloss or very pale pink with smokey eyes
    just sum clear gloss

    What's you're favorite hair/eye color combo on a guy?

    Blonde Blue? Brown Brown? Black Green? What's your favorite and why? Thank you!What's you're favorite hair/eye color combo on a guy?
    Dark hair and blue eyes. That combo always makes me double-take, I guess because it's so contrasting. Very hot.What's you're favorite hair/eye color combo on a guy?
    The guy I am dating now has Blonde hair and blue eyes, but I have always had a thing for red hair and light colored eyes. Perhaps it is the attraction to recessive traits- I have dark brown eyes!
    blonde hair blue eyes
    I have two favorites, dark hair and dark eyes, and dark hair and blue eyes.
    brown hair, brown puppy dog eyes (hi dave!)

    has to be either really tight/shaved or past shoulder length too.
    I like blonde and blue or Black and brown.. I don't know why, i just do
    Dark hair, light skin, green eyes. It's striking.
    from the ones listed above it would be brown hair brown eyes but brown hair and blue eyes is hot too along with all the others u have listed
    Tall, Dark hair and Blue Eyes. Just sexy as heck to me. And I have only seen a handful in my lifetime, that just make the heart melt...%26lt;grin%26gt;
    Girl, I like guys that have black curly hair with brown eyes, it drives me crazy! I love Evan Ross, Patrick Breeding, and Lil Fizz.- my men!
    Brown hair and brown eyes!! I love it! All the guys I've dated fall into that category... not on purpose but hey, it happens!
    i think a guy who has cute dark brown hair thats shaggy and gray eyes..:)
    golden dark blonde hair, short, sort of curly (or maybe it's spiky) in the front where it meets the face. I also love blue eyes!

    The person who has these features that I most like is Jude Law!

    I love him! So cute! here's his picture.鈥?br>

    hope i help you!
    i like men that are dark with dark eyes , i dont know why but i always did , i think its sexy.
    One guy I like has Brown hair and eyes... He's so so hott! And the other guy I like has light brown hair and baby blue eyes. He's also hott! The 1st guy has a twin brother... And most guys that I think are hott have those hair/eye colors. But hot guys (in California) look like surfers with blonde hair and blue or brown eyes. I like all, but I don't know which best!
    Brown brown
    i love blue eyes on a guy!! especially blue eyes and light hair
    brown or black hair %26amp; brown or green eyes...just a personal preference, i think it`s sexy!!!

    Trying to settle an arguement about eye color.?

    Can a baby be born with actual black eyes?Trying to settle an arguement about eye color.?
    Not likely most babies are born with bluish grey eyes that change color over time. BUT there is a rare genetic condition called Aniridia which can make it appear as if the baby has black eyes.

    Aniridia is a rare congenital eye condition causing incomplete formation of the iris. This can cause loss of vision, usually affecting both eyes.

    In Aniridia, although not entirely absent, all that remains of the iris, the coloured part of the eye, is a thick collar of tissue around its outer edge. The muscles that open and close the pupil are entirely missing. The appearance of a ';black iris'; is the result of the really enormous pupil.Trying to settle an arguement about eye color.?
    No. Some babies can be born with dark brown eyes but that's pretty rare from what I hear. I've never heard of a baby being born with black eyes though.

    The majority of babies are actually born with blueish-gray eyes because the pigment hasn't developed yet. As they get older, the true eye colour starts to come in.
    Black eye color? There is no such thing. But you can be born with very dark brown eyes. My daughter has eyes so dark that sometimes they look black. But in the light you can tell that they are actually brown.
    Well their eyes will keep changing ( or do not settle) until the kid is 2 yrs old. Until then, you really won't know what color the child's eyes will become.
    No. Almost all babies are born with blue eyes and then the pigment develops.
    Did you know that Violet is an actual rear eye colour that very few ppl hav
    no black is not an actual eye color

    Why do eye lid grow a small white color thing feel unconfotable?

    Is it because eat too much oils in foods? Or any other reasons?Why do eye lid grow a small white color thing feel unconfotable?
    it's a clogged oil gland, or stye. use a warm compress on it, and in a few days, it should go away. there is no OTC med for it, only to help relieve the pain. it has nothing to with your eating habits.Why do eye lid grow a small white color thing feel unconfotable?
    that would be a ';pimple'; or clogged pore.
    It is probably a ';stye';. It is a minor infection caused by something getting in your eye and irritating it and allowing bacteria to form. You will need to not rub it and it will go away in a couple of days.

    Is there any way I can change my eye color without contacts? I have boring brown ones and I'd like them gray.

    I'm a 20 year old guy.Is there any way I can change my eye color without contacts? I have boring brown ones and I'd like them gray.
    No, and its fruity for a guy to wear colored contacts. Its something your born with, you can't dramatically change your skin color, same goes for your eyes.Is there any way I can change my eye color without contacts? I have boring brown ones and I'd like them gray.
    How long will it take for the gray to become boring? Or the blue. Try, just a suggestion, reading. Just read stuff. books, magazines, historical novels, stuff. It'll change the way you think and you'll realize that no one but you, NO ONE, whether you have boring brown, or grusesome gray, or blue or purple, or ?, because after about 10 seconds, no matter how lovely you are, YOU become boring without an education behind those lovelies.
    I doubt it.

    Eye transplant?

    I'm not even sure if they do that.


    Ladies, which eye color do you find sexiest in a guy?

    Hazel...eyesLadies, which eye color do you find sexiest in a guy?
    It really depends on the rest of the face and person.If his eyes are his best feature ,for whatever turns me on about them,then His colored eyes are the what draw me to want to know him more.Brown,green, doesn`t matter.Some men will only date blue-eyed girls because that`s what turns him on(blue eyes),however women are different.They look at men as a ';whole';.Ladies, which eye color do you find sexiest in a guy?
    green, brown, blue, hazel, practically anything....but its sexiest when they're green, and they don't know how adorable they are
    green eyes definitely.

    well actually green hazel or silvery grey.

    all incredibly hott.
    green blue!


    dark blue!

    silvery grey!
    hah thats good, i always thought girls liked blue eyes on guys, i have brown and im white btw... so this is good to know
    mixed :) but usually green to blue
    dark dark brown. so hot.
    i think brown eyes are extemley sexy in a guy.
    i dont think eye color should madder
    very dark brown
    deff brown


    my bf has brown and i luv it
  • home theater
  • What color streak will look good with my eye color?

    this is me currently

    would wud make my eyes pop?

    like green streak

    blue, pink, just blonde, purple, orange, red ETC :)What color streak will look good with my eye color?
    Blue (like electric blue)What color streak will look good with my eye color?
    an autumn(fall) red
    blue or autumn or blonde or even black. or green. maybe an aqua

    Get a green or red streak

    What is the best kind of lipgloss and what is the best kind of eye liner and what color should it be ?

    Eyeliner and lip gloss should alwyas compliment your skintone. The best way to find what really fits for you is to do a trial an error. Samples are your friends!What is the best kind of lipgloss and what is the best kind of eye liner and what color should it be ?
    try this website... it will help you out with the colors you should be wearingWhat is the best kind of lipgloss and what is the best kind of eye liner and what color should it be ?
    I need more detials but try a liquid eyeliner and only use the top in black and gloss try N.Y.C. pink and shimmery stuff I swear by it
    Mary Kay has been the #1 selling brand since 1993 (without ads!). The makeup line was designed by Robert Jones (celebrity stylist). For Q's on color, email me - I'm a beauty consultant. Visit my website:
    i personally love clear, shiny

    lipgloss and black eyeliner.

    i think it looks good on EVERYONE.
    well it depends on your skin tone and eye liner estee lauder has an amazing eye liner that goes on really smooth and stays on, and it should be black i think it just brings out your eye color and lipgloss should be something natural and transparent like light pink nothing to bright and victoria secret has amazing lipglosses they stay on and look really great good luck. and if you go to the makeup counter at your mall they can help you by letting u try on different shades :)
    Mary Kay make up is a good brand if u can afford it also Clinique makes a higher quality product. Depends on your skin tone, hair color and eye color for color shades that look best,

    Remember less is best so u dont look trashy!
    The best lip gloss I found is the cheapest brand I found at Wal-Mart. Its called Wet n'Wild, Clear Gloss, also available in about 10 other colors. But I found the clear is fantastic, it is glossy and shiny, stays on for a long time and its cheap so you can use a lot of it if you want.
    That all depends on you skin tone, eye color, and lip ask the question wiht more details
    Mary Kay, lip gloss is the best I have ever tried
    It is different for everyone because not everyone has the same kind of skin tone.

    Work with what is best for you not everyone else.
    lip gloss depends on your skin tone, then eye liner depends on the color of your eyes. Makes a huge difference on how your eyes stand out
    a neutral lip gloss, like a peachy color with a red tint or a pink. depending on what you skin type is. for an eyeliner I would say black if you have dark skin, and brown if you have lighter skin.
    lipgloss? i think the ones they sell at the body shop because they're light and not sticky like every other ones. and as for eye liner, i think lancome makes the best ones because its smooth and solid.. when it comes to colors, that depends on what color do u like??

    Cant figure out my eye color?

    I can't figure out what category the color of my eyes go under! I always put them down as blue eyes cause sometimes they do look blue, but not like a normal blue eye but more like a greyish blue. In pictures my eyes sometimes look blue, and sometimes they don't. In some pictures they look pure grey. I heard grey is a dark shade of am i considered to have blue eyes or grey eyes?Cant figure out my eye color?

    i have blue eyes with hazel so it looks greeen.Cant figure out my eye color?
    you call that eye color hazel. its kind of in between and changes
    My eyes look grey like the souls of the damned.

    Why did my cats eye color change?

    this is what her eyes looked like before

    this is how her eyes look now

    why did they change, her eyes were so beautifulWhy did my cats eye color change?
    she might have grown up and her eye color changed along with her bodyWhy did my cats eye color change?
    I had a cat that when I got her, the eyes were blue and they sparkled when the light hit them. Then her eyes changed to green.

    It's the same thing with babies--most are born with blue eyes and usually change when they reach 6 months old.
    it looked like she was a kitten in the first picture... you know how human babies eyes change color after they are born.. i think its the same with animals..
    bcoz she is grown up
    Maturity or the wrong cat came home.
    Uhm, first of all, your kitty is gorgeous!

    And.. I've noticed that all cats are born with a different color compared to what they have when they're older. It's weird, but it happens. I can't say why, unfortunately.

    An online photoshop that change the eye color?

    picnik.comAn online photoshop that change the eye color?

    first uploadthe picture then go press black and white. You will see this when you scroll over adjust(at the top). (Do this if you want it to be recognizeable.)

    At the side, you will see a sissor, click that. Put the red circle over one eye and then press color tint and then apply. Then click the sissor again then put the red around the other eye and color tint then apply.

    There you go.

    If your eye color starts lightening by itself, does that mean your eyesight is going bad?

    ??If your eye color starts lightening by itself, does that mean your eyesight is going bad?
    usually it's normal , but sometimes it's a silent symptom of a disease , so why not to get checked to rule that possibility out .

    good luck .If your eye color starts lightening by itself, does that mean your eyesight is going bad?
    Hello! May I ask if you are taking any medications? That can change eye can diseases, like Horner's Syndrome, or Pigmentary Glaucoma. A healthy diet can help brighten or lighten the eye color. How is your vision? With some people, their eye color lightens with age. I was born with Black-Brown eyes. Then they changed to Medium Brown, and now they are Light Brown, but sometimes people say they are definately Hazel. With me, it's probably genetic, because my Mom's eyes keep getting lighter as she gets older..but lately she's been seeing ';floaters'; so maybe it's a sign that her eyesight is deterioting. She developed green in her eyes a few years ago, she's Asian, and now those green flecks are a silver color. Still, try to see an Optomologist as opposed to an Optometrist. The first kind of doctor is the real expert, while the other one's eye skills are limited to fitting people for glasses or contacts. How much lighter have they gotten in what span of time? Do you have eye pain? Hope you're ok! : ) Hey Q-tip..I got your e-mail but for some reason, I couldn't send you my answer so I have to do it this way: Sounds like you have Pigmentary Glaucoma..this is what happens: the iris curves and touches the back of your eye. Because of that, the melanocytes flake off and they float around in your eye until your body can metabolize them. They wil also try to leave the eyes by going thru the tear ducts. Sometimes, the tear ducts get clogged and your eye builds up a lot of pressure. And then you have Glaucoma! Please get to a doctor right away, I'm getting worried about you! Glaucoma is very easy to treat in it's early stages. The doctor will just give you eyedrops if you do have Glaucoma. I had Glaucoma after my laser eye surgery in my right eye and the drops took care of everything. Only problem is the eyedrops have a side effect of darkening the iris color in some people. Now my right eye is a tiny bit darker than my left. But, hey, better than going blind. For like 1% of people, their eye color will actually get even lighter. You are too young to have this problem. Please hurry to a doctor and let us know what happens! : ) P.S. Funny that you take iron pills, I heard that they can darken your eye color.
    No. The color of your eye is not connected to visual acuity. If you eyesight was changing, you would probably notice it. There is a possibility of disease causing this. See source. If you have not have a professional eye exam in the past 3 years, it would be a good idea to see an optometrist or ophthalmologist..
  • home theater
  • What color eye shadow should i wear?

    I have blue eyes and dirty blonde hair and the shirt im wearing is a little bit darker than this green鈥?/a> or what color would go better if the shirt i was wearing was brown thanksWhat color eye shadow should i wear?
    For blue eyes, lavender, lilac, violet, mauve, taupe, sand, and pebble eyeshadows look great.What color eye shadow should i wear?
    opt for a grey hue. its classic
    gold combined with brown. Or silver or sparkly white. purple, not too dark not too light.


    light pink
    Brown or a Darker Blue than your eye color.

    Is there a website that shows you the right makeup for your color eye?

    Covergirl's website.

    If you make an account, it will match your skin tone/eye color to the right colors. But it only matches to Covergirl products.

    Go to: (Canada)

    -OR- (United States)

    depending on where you live.

    Hope I helped :D.Is there a website that shows you the right makeup for your color eye?
    I order a lotta stuff from LA Minerals and they have color suggestions on their eye shadow page: there a website that shows you the right makeup for your color eye?
    You are supposed to use eye makeup opposite of what your eye color is. Mine are green and I wear eggplant

    How can I make my eye color show more?

    Umm, I have the same eye color as Taylor Swift (鈥?/a> ) but uhh, how do I make it show more, like her's in this pic (鈥?/a> )How can I make my eye color show more?
    On one website I looked at it said gray, violet, taupe, purple or deep blue eye shadow.

    Almay has products for blue eyes. I have the almay products for brown eyes(my eye color), and it works well. You can find it at any drug store.鈥?/a>How can I make my eye color show more?
    eyeliner but u have to remember that photo of her has probly been colored more......

    sideswept bangs brings more attention to eyes
    Mascara and a dark eyeliner color. Like black. other wise a dark green on the top lid because your eyes are green/hazel. (like mine)

    Best of Luck : ]
    wet the aplicator before you put eyeshadow on it then apply it to your eye
    define the rims of the eyes with eyeliner

    Is it possible to choose your baby's eye color before its born?

    doing chemistry paper on prenatal human alterations

    wanting to know why and how hair color, eye color, height, any other genetic factors can be scientifically changed before birthIs it possible to choose your baby's eye color before its born?
    I'm guessing that, unless scientists develop ways to check the genes of the fetus to check eye color this is impossible. This would still require a termination if it wasn't the right color!

    How horribleIs it possible to choose your baby's eye color before its born?
    no, how could that be even remotely possible? Everything in your baby is determined by the genes of both your partner's and yours. It will always be a mix. Unless you have found some medical breakthrough in engineering babies to be born in the way you want. Everything has a cost, if you make changes in one place, another place may benefit or suffer for it. This rule applies to everything.
    hahahaha this is the funniest thing I have heard all day, really come on now, there are much more important things to worry about like curing cancer, genetic disorders not eye colour
    Not at this time, no. If it were something parents could do, it would have great moral and ethical issues.
    If you get an answer to this id love to know! Good Luck
    YES IT IS.
    No, no, and no. How can you even believe this for a second?

    What eye color do most redheads have?

    It's not green, trust me. I am friends with two natural redheads and they both have blue eyes.

    Green is just what everyone thinks, but its not actually true.What eye color do most redheads have?
    I have brown because we have Cherokee in our blood. It depends on what genes are recessive or dominate. Both of my parents had brown eyes too. But my sister married a man with blue eyes and his mom had blue eyes. She had her son, he was redheaded and blue eyed.What eye color do most redheads have?
    brown, but some redheads i know have green eyes

    I think green.
    green or brown

    What is the best eye shadow color for someone who has brown eyes?

    Hi, Almay has a line of eye shadows and liners coordinated to go with your eye color. I have green eyes and I have wasted so much money trying to find whats best. Almay takes out all the guess work. Just select according to eye color. Really makes the color of your eyes pop out.What is the best eye shadow color for someone who has brown eyes?
    Brown eyes can have any colour shadow. Lucky you!What is the best eye shadow color for someone who has brown eyes?
    my freind puts on light greeen eyeshadow and black eyeliner it looks good...she has brown eyes so it might work for u too
    Funny how your avatar has green eyes! Gold looks really good. Pretty much just avoid browns especially bright ones because they tend to mute the color of you eyes.
    gold looks rlly good, but anything looks good on brown eyes
    I have dark brown eyes, and I wear dark eye shadow, and I always get compliments on how it makes my eyes look great! Or if you are just wanting to relax, wear a blue, or a light pink to bring a relaxed look to your face!
    the best is gold or tan you want something that give your eyes that pop!:)
    light purple

    light pink

    light orange

    or light green...

    i prefer the purple
    Green definitely green with a bit of glitter.A.k.a sparkly green.Green just gives you that look like bring it on.
    wow. i have brown eyes. and u have brown hair. maybe we should get down some day. just make your move as soon as possible because i have a ******* TOEFL EXAM COMING UP NEXT WEEK. so yeah, HOLLA!
    I have tanned skin i think purple or pinks maybe even blue or white why dont you test your colours?
    well it really depends on the color of your skin and hair if you have light to med hair and light skin then I think that browns look good on browns go with the kindof old fashioned way of the lightest color like a translucent champagne or translucent ivory all over the eye lid then sweep to the crease a lighter brown color then in the crease to give a more dramatic eye use a dark brown or a mahogany color only in the crease. If you have darker hair and darker skin then the light purples and blues work really good. Also pinks and browns together work good for all hair and skin types. Make sure you use mascara though it really makes your eyes pop. : )
    hazel, light brown, forest green, purple....pale whatever compliments ur eye color AND skin tone...go to google and search: eyeshadow colors that match eyecolor and look under brown eyes! will find alot! best of luck!

    I have brown eyes. I find that Blues, greens, purples, and charcoal colors tend to look best. Blues make my eyes pop the most.

    With my eye and hair color(blondish brownish) brown eyeshadows tend to make me look tired, so when I want a natural look, I go for colors that vary just a bit from my skin tone.

    My favorite look for blue eye shadow:

    A bright teal shade on the lid

    from the crease and onto the sides use a dark charcoal color or black (blend well)

    Highlight under the brow with whiite.

    Line with black liner along 3/4 of the top lid

    and 1/4 along the bottom.

    Use black mascara.
    I think that a light gold, copper, or bronze would look good.

    My sister has brown eyes and she puts on a light shade of white and a baby blue on; it looks really good.

    Hope I helped! :)

    Have a great day!
  • home theater
  • What Color eye shadow will make my eyes pop?

    I have green eyes and i am not every good at putting on eye shadow that make my eyes pop. but I don't know how to make them pop what color makes green-ish blue eyes pop? Color eye shadow will make my eyes pop?
    navy blue eyelinerWhat Color eye shadow will make my eyes pop?
    purples, browns, greens, and red (youll look like you got punched in the eye though)
    Green eyes, like yours, naturally pop with purples and blues go with brown. Maybe purple crease and brown right by the eye. I think that would look awesome. To me your eyes look more green, so PURPLES. and golds, too.
    Shades of brown, violet, or pink.. Green eyes are really a fantastic color for eyeshadow... lucky girl.
    skin industries